CarbonToolbelt Implementation Training

Up-skill your workflow champions with advanced workflow techniques using the CarbonToolbelt app on


Your App Implementation Training Package

Up-skill your champions with CarbonToolbelt Implementation Training provided by certified implementation consultants

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Learn first-hand how to leverage CarbonToolbelt to improve your workflow

Up-skill Your Workflow Champions

Our certified experts consult and train your workflow champions

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Get expert guidance from us, then enjoy unlimited support from the app developer.

What’s Included

This Implementation Training Package hits on the essentials subjects and strategies necessary for using CarbonToolbelt on


We’ll install the CarbonToolbelt and discuss potential capabilities within your workflow

App Overview

We’ll provide an in-depth overview of the app’s key features and must-knows

In-Depth Training

Over multiple sessions and offline, we’ll perform hands-on demos and work through various training tasks

Workflow Assessment

We’ll dive-into your workflow together, creating a plan for implementing CarbonToolbelt


Based on our assessment, we’ll help advise you on the best plan based on your estimated usage

Offline Support

Post delivery, we provide a 1 Week window for offline Q&A, advice, and feedback via email.

The Journey

In order to ensure a smooth training and implementation of Toolbelt, we follow this stringent process below:

Session 1

Session 2-3

Session 4-5

Session 6





Session 1

Session 2-3

Session 4-5

Session 6





*Implementation Consultant – The certified expert your team will work with throughout this service


The deliverables below encompass the essential components and milestones of the CarbonToolbelt Implementation Training Package
*App subscription not included in package [see plans]

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Real Estate Company SOW

Scope of Work for a Real Estate Company

Scope Notes

For this project the goal is to onboard into the tech stack as a CRM in tandem with SalesForce and in full replacement of Apto. We can achieve this by first storing our properties in an organized and efficient manor, then linking their owners and poc(s). Once the infrastructure is determined we will work on a data migration from Apto to allowing the use of Apto to be eliminated at this time. We will then work on creating a sales pipeline that allows for the tracking from prospect to a sold property. This will intertwine with the properties and contacts boards that we create. We will finalize everything with some dashboards and documentation / training
After finalizing the scope and its components we are looking at about 6 weeks from the kickoff data. I also noted some overlap that can take place to be more efficient, that is we should be able to start the data transfer while we are working on the first component and then continue it while we start the CRM side. This is primary because we will pull in additional resources during this time. Lastly, the CRM Sales pipeline part can take 3 weeks it may also be done sooner with the well provided documentation, I just want to be sure to give ourselves enough time with expectations.

Scope Components

Total Hours: 40

1. CRM (Properties + Contacts) – 10
  • a. Establish and create breakout by territory of the properties
  • b. Create filters and views (or dashboards) allowing for the sum of all properties to not only be sorted by territory but also broken out by occupancy type.
  • c. Create connection to contacts for both a property owner and a building
2. CRM (Properties + Contacts) Data Transfer – 10
  • a. Research and establish best practice for importing and manipulating the current Apto properties and contacts.
    • i. Limit duplicates in the contacts environment
    • ii. Break out of all properties into associated territories by using current tax ids 
  • b. Utilize a CSV and transform data within OR transfer via API directly from Apto.
3. CRM (Sales pipeline) – 15
  • a. Utilize provided documentation and our CRM expertise to customize a three board system
    • i. Leads
    • ii. BOV Pipeline
    • iii. Active Engagements
  • b. Customize boards and their views based on the group / stage that they are in allowing for a refined view of the fields that need to be collected at each stage
  • c. Create an automated flow (possibly using forms) from each board to the next allowing for a streamlined process from entrance to sold.
  • d. Setup followup protocol allowing CRM users to see what needs to be followed up today, tomorrow, this week etc. utilizing my work + board
    automations / statuses.
  • e. Setup timeline view for active engagements allowing the view of active projects and their durations to understand future business capacity and needs.
4. Dashboards + Documentation / training – 5
  • a. Once the system is up and running with data inside of it we can explore creating dashboards and more refined views for each team members needs.
  • b. Document the system utilizing docs allowing for the easy training and new EE’s and reference for current ones.

Timeline Breakdown

Total Duration: 6 weeks

  • 1. CRM (Properties + Contacts)
    • a. Weeks 1 + 2
  • 2. CRM (Properties + Contacts) Data Transfer
    • a. Weeks 2 – 3 (overlap with data transfer team and SA while building of the boards)
  • 3. CRM (Sales pipeline)
    • a. Weeks 3-5
  • 4. Dashboards + Documentation / training
    • a. Weeks 6+
Task Time Development 37
Consulting 3
API Development N/A

Scope of Work for a Cyber Security Company

Scope Notes

Cyber Security Company came to in order to handle their CRM needs. Initially they started with the Sales + CRM and an advanced onboarding. During this
process they quickly realized that actually they need their CRM to be built custom for them first and then they can begin to use it. In the past they have used SFDC to manage
their sales process however, this system was never setup correctly. During the scoping call we went through a flow chart that showcases how the sales process goes from
lead capture to a won deal. We will build out the Sales + CRM product to their needs and then help with a SFDC data transfer of their accounts and contacts. I
will also make note that we discussed the connection for invoicing and ERP but are not going to work on this during this scope of work, but they may be something coming
down the line.

We are going to start in the accounts and contacts boards to make sure the fields are setup properly and the connections are setup correctly to the leads and deals board for their process. We will then go into the Leads board but this will be a quick and short stop for the time being as it is more important to focus on opportunity management and we can circle back around to the leads side for integrations of lead flow and data enrichment. After we process through the leads board and the lead has been qualified it will become an opportunity. During this process we will need to ensure we have “required fields” setup by using the force item creation through a form. We will also have some simple followup cadence automations in place to get the client into a proposal stage. As we get into the proposal / scoping stage we will need to have it connected with the Engineering teams system (who is already setup in in order to create the scope. We can create an automation here with a connected column to reflect the engineering teams status of the scope back in the sales board. Once the Scope is done we will create a proposal and use DocuSign to send for signature. Once everything is set on the sales end we can initiate another automation to send back to the Engineering team to begin on the project. Once the opportunities board is flowing and communicating with the engineering team we can move onto importing the accounts and contacts from SFDC. We can then create dashboards and provide training on how to use the CRM.

Scope Components

Total Hours: 30

1. CRM Accounts + Contacts – 4
  • a. Deploy a new workspace with the standard Sales + CRM inside of it and begin customizing the accounts and contacts boards
  • b. Review with Cyber Security Company what fields they need to have in their sales process (some of this data is already found in the discovery they provided to Danny)
  • c. Setup the relationships between contacts and accounts
  • d. Create and customize item cards
2. CRM Sales Pipeline – 13
  • a. Leads Board
    • i. Customize the leads board to have a short flow that follows the flow chart
      • 1. Add statuses, groups and automations for board flow
    • ii. Add in followup cadence
      • 1. This can be 2 dates and a status column allowing us to see Last, next followup dates and the status of followup
    • iii. Customize the item card and board view to limit data that does not need to be seen
    • iv. Add automation for moving into deals board and creating a contact / account automatically
      • 1. Reference the CarbonCRM automations for this piece
  • b. Deals Board
    • i. Customize the Deals board and fields required
      • 1. Add the feature “Require form entry for item creation”
    • ii. Create sales process flow and customize groups status and automations for the sales process
    • iii. Customize item card and board views
    • iv. Create the scoping process
      • 1. This will be a connection into the engineering teams scoping board and a mirror column back into the deals board to see the status of the scope
      • 2. Create an automation that when stage changes to scope and scope does not exist then create an item in the scope board and connect it back to the deals
      • 3. We can than have visibility of the scoping status back in the deals board to move it into proposal stage when ready
    • v. R&D Docusign process and if possible use the native integration for docusign singing process
    • vi. Create Kickoff process
      • 1. this is once the deal is “won” and we are able to send it back to the engineering team to begin work. We will create an automation that creates an item or
        notification to the engineering teams board
    • vii. Run a Test run through of process to ensure everything flows correclty
3. SFDC Data Transfer – 7
  • a. Review SFDC Data and determine date to backlog by
  • b. Cyber Security Company will provide a CSV copy of Accounts and Contacts they want exported
    • i. Max of 5k accounts and 5k contacts to be imported
  • Import and connect contacts and accounts into

4. Training + Offline Q+A – 5

  • a. Provide training session on CRM process flow
  • b. Offline Q+A during launch and adoption

Timeline Breakdown

Total Duration: 8 weeks

  • 1. CRM Accounts + Contacts
    • a. Week 1
  • 2. CRM Sales Pipeline
    • a. Weeks 2 – 5
  • 3. SFDC Data Transfer
    • a. Week 6 – 7
  • 4. Training + Offline Q+A
    • a. Week 8 – 9
Task Time Development 22
Consulting 8
API Development N/A

Scope of Work for a Solar Company

Scope Notes

Solar company  is new to and wants to use it for project management to get out of their current project management software of pipedrive. They do have a sales team
of individuals who utilize their own software for sales but will likely be viewers inside of their system for the time being. As far as the process goes and what we
will build in there is a well documented flow chart provided with this scope of work that outlines the general process we are creating. Starting at the post sales process and
ending with a routine checkin to see how everything is working. I have outlined the high level of the process below to give us an estimate on the amount of time this will take to
build and as the architects get to work on it there will be more specific details needed.

Once a project comes in they will review the project and ensure they have everything that is needed before going to financing. After financing step it goes back to the project management process where we schedule out and dispatch a site survey to be completed. We will utilize SuperForm to develop site survey forms that can be filled out by the crew and connected back to Once this site survey comes back we are able to record the data and connect it back to the project. From here it will go into a Cad to-do process where any of the CAD team members will take it up and begin working on it.
From here there is a review process to get it approved. Once approved CAD it will be ready for permitting which is where it starts to get “wonky” this is because there are many splits in this process based on the service they are getting. These splits will require us to build out different process for the items to fall within, but we want to keep this within the same board. They will get the permits back or make edits to get further permits. We need to track permit status separately as one can be approved but we can be pending the other. Then we get into dispatching the crew out for installing. If there is an MPU vs no MPU this dispatching process is different. Similarly the the site survey their will be another superform here for a post install survey and connect this back to the project.
We then need to verify we got everything we needed back from the job and then schedule a final on site inspection to verify everything is good to go. Depending on if it passes or fails we can proceed forward or go back fix and repeat If we passed then we get a final card and then submit to utility company to turn on the power “PTO”. If the power company says we need a transformer upgrade we keep following up until done, otherwise we are now live. Lastly, We want to keep track of jobs completed and have a long term follow up if any issues arise and ensure satisfaction.

Required Software

Scope Components

Total Hours: 57

1. Project Kickoff – 7
  • a. Review Flow chart provided
  • b. Review scope of work and scope notes
  • c. Setup client facing board
  • d. Kickoff meeting
  • e. Review current Pipedrive setup and further understand pain points and reason for move to
2. Project Management High level board – 18
  • a. Setup PM high level overview board
  • b. Determine flow into the board with a form that the sales team can fill out once ready to begin a project
  • c. Customize board fields, views and item cards
  • d. R&D board flow at a high level and setup status and automation columns
  • e. Setup Financing status and step directly in PM HL board
    • i. From the details provided in the diagram, the financing process is not huge within thus the status of the financing can stay as a step directly
      inside of the PM board.
  • f. Setup CAD status and step directly in PM HL board
    • i. Similarly to financing, lets leave CAD directly within the HL board and track a sub status for the process here.
  • g. Setup Final inspection step inside of PM HL board
  • h. Setup any extra micro process not mentioned above within the PM HL board
    • i. Setup the ability to create connection to sub boards as the develop further in the process
3. Site Survey – 6
  • a. Review existing google Forms survey as starting spot for new superform
  • b. Create a superform allowing a user to select a project, from the project management HL board, and enter their responses from their site visit
  • c. Create automation to connect site survey back to PM HL board
4. Permitting – 8
  • a. Create a permitting workflow and board
  • b. Determine the different flows based on the product purchased
  • c. Customize board fields, item cards and views
  • d. Customize board flow, status and groups
  • e. Create connection to PM HL board
    • i. Mirror down and mirror up relevant information between the two boards
  • f. Create automation for flow into and out of the permitting board
5. Project Install process – 8
  • a. Create a board for project installs
  • b. Determine the different flows based on the product purchased
  • c. Create automation and connection back to the PM HL board
    • i. Setup mirror columns
  • d. As project install wraps up have a survey be sent out for project completion from the PM HL board
6. Project completion survey – 6
  • a. Review existing google forms survey to create start of superform
  • b. Allow superform to select a project and collect data associated to the project
  • c. Create automations to connect the project completion survey back to the HL board
7. Documentation, training and offline Q+A – 4
  • a. Document how the process should flow from start to finish
  • b. Train the team on how to use it
  • c. Provide offline Q+A where needed to assist in adoption

Timeline Breakdown

Total Duration: 14 weeks

  • 1. Project Kickoff
    • a. Weeks 1 – 2
  • 2. PM HL
    • a. Weeks 2- 14
  • 3. Site survey
    • a. Weeks 6 – 7
  • 4. Permitting
    • a. Week 8 – 9
  • 5. Project Install
    • a. Week 10 – 11
  • 6. Project completion survey
    • a. Week 12- 13
  • 7. Documentation training + offline Q+A
    • a. Weeks 13 – 14
Task Time Development 44
Consulting 13
API Development N/A
API Scenarios N/A

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